27 May 2012

9 Weeks On...

...hold up, it's only been 9 freakin' weeks?! Holy hot tamale Batman, I've done heaps already!

My travels have thus far included:
Again, I plead the Fifth
  • Auckland
    • Largest Polynesian city ever at 1.5M people 
  • Rotorua
    • Where I did the bloody Zorb last time round. My US mates can pop over to Tennessee and do this themselves!  
  • Gisborne
    • Failed attempt to first see the sunrise (it rained - no, it poured!)
  • Napier
    • Art Deco architecture galore 
  • Wellington
    • NZ capitol city - looked, tasted and felt like a capitol
  • Taupo
    • I plead the Fifth on this :)
  • Hamilton
    • Outdoor gardens with a terrible representation of a Californian backyard 
For you picture folks, that's most of the North Island

On 7 May I commenced working at Westpac NZ. At this fine Australian/ NZ bank I perform investment health checks for current Westpac customers. Let's say I'm now fully versed in New Zealand financial law, investment products and retirement planning. Why? No particular reason (under NZ law, I can have me bumbum booted if I even whisper something remotely perceived to giving financial advice).

This is where I work!
Former Tongan Embassy

For a solid two weeks I resided in the former Queen of Tonga's embassy located in Parnell, Auckland NZ. It was a very historic, holistic delicious villa located just outside the city center. Here I was really able to get my hippie on!

Bought myself heaps of hokey pokey (honeycomb toffee) vanilla ice cream. Almost, literally had to padlock the freezer because it is that orgasmic-ally delicious!

Toured the Viaduct Harbour night scene. Was kicked out of me first club by the bouncer who was at the minimum 3 times my size (I wasn't gonna argue with him). Woke up the next morning with stamps up and down both arms - because I'm very classy like that :)

Lastly, I have moved in to a flat in Glen Innes, Auckland! The community residents are not of the highest socio-economic status BUT it is not nearly as bad as other Auckland neighbourhoods. I get to see fairly frequent protests because heaps of state housing is being torn down and thus residents are in a forced move. Yes, one night I was almost jumped on my walk home from the bus stop so I remain vigilant and aware of my surroundings now and do not venture out alone at night; And this is a massive eye-opening living experience. (I will very well be moving in August once my current contract with Westpac expires.)

However, my flatmates are very cool. One young Kiwi, another older Kiwi, an American from Georgia and our islander landlord all reside in this humble abode. Yes, I found a place with an HRV system to remove the infamous humidity and dampness NZ is known for - so it's almost like being at home (minus the non-insulated walls). You betchya 45F feels pretty chilly by dawn.

I hope this update satisfies all y'alls cravings of me :P I miss every one of your faces tonnes and lerve each of you heaps!!

Cheers fer now,

PS I'll let ya in here on my very deep mind (I'm in the great category haha) :P

Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events;
Small minds discuss people.
~ Eleanor Roosevelt