11 May 2013

Adios Amigo.

After disembarkation from Pacific Jewel, and Pat being “randomly selected” for a quarantine check (the items he was able to sneak by were astonishing) we took our shuttle direct to Sydney’s international airport so we could say our good-byes for Pat to catch his flight home to America and I a bus to Canberra.

Hungry Jacks eaten; Toilet 19-million times; and our good-byes were completed.

Welcome to Australian Capital Territory (ACT). This is the capital state of Australia (in case you couldn’t tell by the name). Since nobody could choose between placing the Federal Australian government in Melbourne or Sydney, they chose a spot kinda in the middle. (During the years this city and state were literally be constructed, government was seated in Melbourne). 

Firstly, I had to return to Elementary school to learn the difference between capital and capitol. Here they are according to Merriam Webster:

  • Capitol: A building in which a state legislative body meets.
  • Capital: A city that serves as the center of government. 
 Enough of the textbooks, let's get back to vacation mode! I imagine this place resembles the smoky mountains in America.

View from Telstra Tower

Not the greatest pic, but look at our roading.

View from Parliament

It was all-beautiful. The greatest part was visiting Parliament, and getting to see the heart of the Federal Government of Australia.  Now, unfortunately the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, was out of town doing some speeches in Meblourne (apparently she’s pretty down in the polls for the upcoming federal elections). So the best I could do was this picture:

Hey Julia! (She's also the first woman to hold the PMs office in Oz)

Now Australia became a Federation in 1902. This was the table and paper that the Queen “signed with her own hand” to grant such free governing powers.

Everyone knows she just signed it without ready any of the Terms and Conditions

Sweet feet being a part of history

Parliament house is built in to a hill, protecting them from bombs? Here’s a few extra pics for your viewing pleasure:

Walking up to Parliament

Seal of Australia

In front of Parliament

Australia House of Representatives

Australian Senate

The ACT also has some blunt road signs as you drive about:

Also, since when did this become acceptable??

Overall, a lovely city to visit for a week and view mountains. [Why does Word say the previous sentence is a ‘fragment’?] Apparently they have some decent ski hills during winter – which is just around the corner! However, as the town is solely built for government function, it’s like a sleepy little suburb.

Anyways, cheers for now!

PS try couch surfing at least once on your travels. It was quite the experience!

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