16 March 2013


Right. So I left Dad, Mum & Aunty Sue to their taxi for their flight home so I could wash, sleep and eat and start my own lil holiday down to Tauranga and Mount Mauganui. (That's 5 hours round-trip driving, because I simply did not drive enough the week before.) My mate and I popped in the car to drive down State Highway 1 and 2 sooo early (I still am not a morning person). 

Driving through Karangahake Gorge
 On the way down we stopped in this tiny town of Waihi where we found an amazing quartz mine in the centre of town. A prospectors paradise in the lat 1800's!

Walking up to become rich

Waihi, NZ working mine
Dreaming of becoming rich
Onward to your real destination now!

Mt Mauganui is the focal point of the area. It's a 232 metre (761 foot) volcanic cone. Of course the tangata whenua (people of the land) [you people should remember that from my previous lesson in Maori] hold this as a sacred maunga (mountain). It is basically a historic reserve to physically represent thousands of years of human history.

The large rock (named Te Kuia) signifies an elderly woman who once resided on Mauao (that's Maori language for Mount Maunganui). It's best if you're heading to sea to offer a koha (gift) to her, just to make sure ya return safely. 

Mauao in the background (you can also see Te Kuia)

Again, pretending to be on the summit of Mt Maunganui

The Tauranga area is also home to Maunganui beach filled with miles of golden sand (for us Americans, picture Florida - same proportion of elderly folk as well). Of course I went swimming and guzzled cappuccino while talking weather and politics at the local cafes! 

Climbing up Mt Maunganui looking down at Mauganui Beach
No trip is complete without some Fish & Chips, so we stopped at Fisherman's Wharf to have some from the Fresh Fish Market. While waiting in the queue, you can see them add the 10lb block of butter to the deep fryer. Kind of makes you never wanna eat anything deep friend ever again. Yet, it was quite delicious but definitely the greasiest fish and chips I've had.

Did I miss anything? The terrible service, mediocre food and East Jesus Nowhere location makes you really just want to eat, sleep and live on the beach for a week. Nevertheless, can't miss out!

Hope every one is surviving that cold, snowy-ish winter. Today half of the country has been declared a drought zone (the entire North island) as we haven't had any measurable precipitation for a solid 12 weeks. Perfect for the traveler but the bread and butter of NZ's economy is literally being killed off for survival. So, don't waste milk!

Cheers for now!

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