24 July 2012

Flyin' High

I told ya I believe I can fly ;-)

The weekend is there to always get out 'n about in Auckland City. Jack, James and of course the Cap't (I need one as I'm in the City of Sails after all) and I with a few other friends head out to make it a good time. The only problem is that there are not enough food establishments open from 3am to 7am - sometimes I just want a crappy Perkins breakfast at 4am, or some Taco Bell! Don't worry, I have the below to keep track of these memories ;-)

 Since I'm a bloody tourist, I go ape over any views of downtown Auckland and any other tourist trap. Thus, I just had to stop at the Salvage Memorial. #112 on the memorial list I must say - so I don't remember what it's about (I have a picture of it somewhere).

This is it. 
I love it.

Another "sunny" day in the city!

Of course I'd like to fly a kite. Since Auckland is a windy city (that's how one is able to sail) what better activity to do than fly a kite on the bluff.

Mr. Krabs

It's like the Macy Day Parade

It's real life Crush!

Jump! Here's my fake Chester (he just doesn't toot as much)

Kiwi's count horsies instead (sheep are too realistic here)

 Boxing Day.

Finally I popped over to Juice Bar in Parnell, Auckland for my flatmates boxing fight. It was sparing so "there are no winners, there are no loser; just athletes having a good work out" (Wikipedia never told me of such a thing!). Nonetheless it was a grand 'ol time - there was blood, so at least there were some good fights to watch.

I'm sure it's an official sized one.

That is some one's daughter, so close that mouth!

Reps from the Auckland Paraplegic Association 

Just never say never about anything

Of course me flatmate had one of the higher energy fights.  It's a good thing he wasn't paired up with the Asian Infusion guy - although, that would have been an intense fight. 

[When I'm not so lazy, I'll upload my flatmates fight video. I'm sorry, I don't have 255 minutes to watch it upload at this time]

I Misplaced my Holiday.  Again.

This working holiday seems to becoming a bit too much working with not much holidaying. I volunteered for overtime which, funny enough, I hear is taxed even more than your regular tax. At this  rate, I should be eligible to go on the freakin' dole when I please.You know what this means?! I'm planning more holiday's :D

Now, who misplaced the wine?! I seem to be all out of it; and what an absolute disaster Transformers: Dark of the Moon is.